High Plains Children’s Home
and family services
Foundation, Inc.

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Founded in 1996, High Plains Children’s Home and Family Services Foundation, Inc. is overseen by Board members Drew Perkins (current HPCH Executive Director) and Tom Farris with former 23-year HPCH Executive Director Craig Howard serving as President. The Foundation's purpose is to ensure the current and future financial security of High Plains Children's Home. Suggestions include planned gifts through your estate via a will, living trust or charitable remainder/lead trust and might feature items such as a donated stock/bond investment portfolio, Donor Advised Fund, POD (payable on death) bank accounts, houses, land, farms, ranches, resort property, commercial property, Charitable Gift Annuities, Life estate beneficiary, life insurance beneficiary, oil or gas mineral interest, precious metals, car/art/gun collections, jewelry, annuities, or an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) charitable distribution after age 70 ½.

Please be sure your Will or Trust is up to date and valid in your state of residence.

To discuss your own options regarding what you and your family can do to ensure the continued strong presence of High Plains Children's Home and Family Services, Inc. for generations to come, please call:

Craig Howard,
Foundation President
